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Technician Loan Program

If your information systems support costs have skyrocketed, consider KelCon’s Technician Loan Program.  For a reduced hourly rate you can have a computer technician at your site for a full day, two days per week, up to everyday for a prescribed period of time.

A full time information systems technician is a heavy cost burden, plus that technician can only provide you with one person’s knowledge.  A loaned technician from KelCon Technologies has as their resources, the combined knowledge and technical expertise of all the KelCon associates, and its extensive library of technical materials.

When you call for technical support from your current provider, do you always get the same technician, do they arrive already familiar with your systems and associates, do you find that a simple service call turned into an all day event?

Consider the advantage of knowing that on every Tuesday and Thursday you will have at your disposal a computer tech that is familiar with your systems and your employees.  Consider the fact you can budget for information systems support and eliminate the burden of payroll and its associated expenses.  When you look at the advantages of the Technician Loan Program you see once again KelCon is helping you succeed in today’s competitive marketplace.

Hourly rates customized for your specific requirements.

Please call to schedule a free on-site consultation.