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What is Billable?

Computer Consultants across the globe are often asked: What is considered “Billable?” Abraham Lincoln said, “A Lawyer’s time and advice are his stock in trade.” This is also true of doctors, accountants, mechanics, computer consultants, etc. KelCon Technologies is a service-based company. As such, our time is extremely valuable to us and to our clients. […]

Email Spam Protection

Proofpoint Essentials is the cloud email security solution created specifically for the smaller enterprise. The service harnesses the capabilities of Proofpoint’s renowned enterprise security technology and infrastructure, and makes this level of protection available to smaller enterprises. Technological features include: Robust Anti-spam & Multilayered Anti virus URL Defense: Advanced Protection against Malicious URLs Intelligent Content […]

Web Design

Are you ready for E-commerce?  You think so, but where do you begin?  First stop, KelCon Technologies. E-Commerce is here to stay and the longer you wait to become a part of E-commerce the farther out of the loop you put your company, its products and services. A Web site allows you to describe your […]

Internet Access

Remember all the ways the Internet can enhance your operations: * Network with other computers * Communicate with outlying offices, customers, suppliers * Find competitive pricing for goods and services * Streamline banking and purchasing * Network with companies in the same or related fields * Find out what your competition is doing * Define […]

Network Integration

Whether for a business of 1 or 300, computer network systems will make a profound difference in your business, guaranteed. Sharing information and components, interoffice communications, safe storage of valuable data, are just some of the advantages of a networked computer system. Bringing increased productivity, faster access to information, greater productivity of software and components […]

Technician Loan Program

If your information systems support costs have skyrocketed, consider KelCon’s Technician Loan Program.  For a reduced hourly rate you can have a computer technician at your site for a full day, two days per week, up to everyday for a prescribed period of time. A full time information systems technician is a heavy cost burden, […]

Company Profile

KelCon Technologies was founded in January of 2000. KelCon was named after my two children, my oldest daughter Kelby and my son Connor. Our business goal is to become the IT department for small to medium size buisnesses that do not have, and do not need, a full time computer technician on staff. We assist […]


Don’t have an in house IT Person?  We can help you with any and all of the following issues: Email Spam Protection Hardware Maintenance Technician Loan Program Network Integration Internet Access Web Design

Hardware Maintenance

Support for your existing equipment…Look in the phone book and immediately you will find an overwhelming number of computer repair listings. As in any industry, there are those that provide quality service, and there are the others. The industry has set standards, although there is no enforcement agency, no licensing REQUIRED. Microsoft and the other […]


The KelCon Technologies Ethics Creed Adopted from Rotary International. More than 60 years ago, in the midst of the Great Depression, a U.S. Rotarian devised a simple, four-part ethical guideline that helped him rescue a beleaguered business. The statement and the principles it embodied also helped many others find their own ethical compass. It may […]